Sunday, August 26, 2007

.Web Marketing 101::.

Web Marketing.

Web Marketing is the most important thing to a growing business.

We all know that web marketing is a difficult thing, but web marketing
is EVERYTHING to online business. Many people will promise "overnight
succes" to wannabe web business owners and they will get suckered into
a "pie-in-the-sky" dream. However, if they don't have good web
marketing, they don't have anything!!

I have launched several businesses in the past several years, and
in the beginning I thought that just because I built a web site the
world would beat a path to my door. How wrong I was! I didn't realize
that without good web marketing no one would even view my site in the
first place!

Since my first venture in online business I have realized that web marketing IS the NUMBER ONE priority of an online business.

What business are you in? You may think that your business is
selling widgets or something else, but it isn't! No, your business is
web marketing! You NEED to realize this. This is the first and foremost

If you can grasp this ONE point, you will be way ahead of the
masses who decide to build a website to make their "millions." The life
blood of a web business is the traffic that it receives. If you can
average 50 unique hits per day and from those hit you make one sale or
ten AdSense click, what would happen if you could get 500 hits in one
day?? You sales (or clicks) would also multiply by ten!

How are those people going to get to your site if they don't know about it??

How are they going to find out about it in the first place?

Everything on the internet rises and falls on traffic. Traffic
comes from successful web marketing. That doesn't mean that your web
marketing costs a fortune! In fact, in many cases it is free! You just
need to know where to look.

Here are a few steps that you can take to begin to pursue great web marketing.

1. Design a Search Engine Friendly site.

Keep it simple. Yeah, we all love those "Flashy" sites with cool features, but search engines love simplicity.

Use text links. So you have a really cool looking navigation bar?
Chances are Google can't understand it. Put some text links on your
page that link to the other areas of your site too

2. Use Links

Make sure that you put a page on your site where you link to other
sites. This shows search engines that you are relevant and connected to
the world!

Ask other web sites to link to your site, or ask bloggers to link
to it. Use as many (ethical) means as possible to get your link out

3. Submit, submit, submit

Submit your site to the big search engines like Google, Yahoo, and
MSN, the others don't matter as much. If Google and Yahoo list
you...everyone will.

Submit your site to DMOZ ( This is a free directory that will give a lot of credibility to your site

4. Become and author

The internet is driven by content. Content is king. So...write some relevant articles and put them on your site.

Take some of those articles and submit them to "article sites" and make sure you put a link to your site!

Well, this is really just the tip of the iceberg of web marketing,
but if you practice these things you will surely begin to see an
increase in traffic!

Remember that above all, if you master web marketing, you have mastered the web!

So you have an online business and need more traffic? Check out this
site that offers a great value on an ebook that will give you
everything you need to do successful web marketing!

Spice Advertising

About The Author

Judah Thomas is the owner of which exists to educate web-preneurs on web marketing.

This article may be reprinted, but this footer must stay intact.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business

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