Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How To Investigate an MLM Company Before Investing Your Time and Money::

If you're like me, you're probably thinking of ways to make you just
that little bit richer, and without having to worry about changing jobs
or working too hard to do so. Well, the great news is that there are
hundreds of ways to do this on the internet, and the even better news
is that you can start today. It's called MLM marketing, and there are
many MLM companies out there, so you're bound to find one that
interests you. However, make sure you do what I did, and check these
companies out first before spending anything.

MLM marketing (or Multi Level Marketing) is pretty easy, and that's
what I like about it. Basically, you get something to sell, and find
other people to not only buy it, but sell it for you too. Then you all
get a share of the profits, so everybody wins! Great, huh? But like I
say, there are hundreds of MLM companies out there, so I recommend you
do the following to make sure you get hooked up with the best:

* Look at the company's track record. This is pretty easy to do, but it
can save you a whole heap of money. When I was looking for the right
MLM company, I made sure I found out how long they'd been going. This
is really a no-brainer, since it's usually the best companies that last
the longest.

* Ask about a fixed phone number and a real address. Let's face it,
you and I know that without an address, you're classed as homeless, and
do you really want to give all your money away to a homeless company?
Me neither. And unless they have a phone number where I can reach them
day or night, they're not getting my money either.

* Speak to real people. I had seen a lot of "testimonials" by
people who'd succeeded at companies while I was looking for the MLM
company I wanted to join. But then I thought anyone can write a
testimonial, and it could all be made up too! So try and speak to
actual people who've been successful within that company. It's pretty
easy to do, as well - if it's a decent company, the owner will give you
names of people you can actually speak to.

* Costs. This is one of the biggest things you need to check. Like
I say, I'm not rich so I can't afford to throw money left, right and
center. So I made sure I knew what extra costs might be involved, like
a monthly subscription or minimum purchases of the things I want to

* Ask what the realistic potential of the business is. Sure, I could
tell you that I want to make a million in my first year, but come on -
how likely is that? So find out what you need to spend, and how much
you should expect back.

At the end of the day, a good MLM company wants you to succeed just as
much as you do. After all, any profit I make, they'll make too. So
don't be afraid to ask questions beforehand - I did, and now I'm making
a nice amount to allow me extra vacation this year, and I can't argue
with that!

About The Author

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist.
He writes about entrepreneurs, mlm and network marketing. You can read
his articles about MLM Companies,at his blog:

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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