Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Building Cold Calling Confidence.::.

The biggest fear in selling is by far the cold call. Salespeople hate
calling on people they don't know so they convince themselves that it's
a waste of time and effort to do it. But, I think anyone who has been
around long enough would agree, while not the perfect way to gain new
clients, it has its place. The problem is that far too often
salespeople talk themselves out of calling on prospects because they
let their fear take over. What is it about cold calling that makes
normally brave men and women tremble with fear?

Well, for starters, it's a lonely game. Ever notice how much easier
it is to go cold calling in pairs. You go in, you get shot down, and
then you leave and make a joke to your partner on the way out. When the
same thing happens when you're on your own, you begin to doubt
yourself, your company, your products. Then you have all the time to
your next appointment to think about how dreadful this job is. This is
not the state that you should be in to sell effectively and there are
some ways to get your head straight and keep confidence high.

For one, remember it's nothing personal. Wait, I know you've heard
that and you think "It feels personal to me!". Well, that's absolutely
true. Everyone has a right to take it personally, but just realize that
nobody can possibly make a judgement on you as a person in 3 seconds. I
don't think you could possibly offend someone that quickly (Although I
know people that come close!). Second, keep in mind that sales is part
numbers and part conversion of qualified prospects into customers. At
the cold calling stage, they aren't even prospects, they're suspects.
Realize that your goal isn't to do any selling that day most likely.
Your job is to take that large list of people and put them into 3
categories. Either they are hot prospects, prospects that aren't ready
yet, or they are not qualified. If you look at your job as to just
categorize them then you realize that it's less about selling and more
about intelligence gathering.

Finally, don't get down on yourself. Sales is and always will be a
numbers game. While you might convert a very small percentage of people
into appointments and eventual sales, just remember that there is
always room for improvement. And let's face it, time spent meeting
people and making an impression on people is better than time spent in
the office. So don't let the fear of cold calling keep you from
reaching higher sales success!

About The Author

Jim Dunne is a sales and trainer who coaches
clients on effective sales prospecting techniques and strategy. He runs
a website at which offers free resources to sales professionals and managers.
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business

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